Starting my business with Shelf Reliance has been one of the most beneficial things I have done outside the home.
Shelf Reliance has an extensive and simple online desktop for all consultants. This makes building my business simple and effective.
Everything is in place for me to be successful...I just started sharing and the joy has spread from happy customer to happy customer.
I take care to learn as much as possible about all our products and services to help my customers get a plan that will fit their needs and budget!
- You get started with hands on training or one on one phone call training.
- You get to earn special incentives only available to this team. Building your supply of emergency supplies and increasing your Thrive Home Store!
- You get special Perks like blog buttons, business card PDFs, hand outs and flyers ready to print for your customers each month, keeping your business fresh and on top of the rest!
- You'll have fun! Energy and Enthusiasm is contagious, and I love these products and love working for Shelf Reliance and you will catch the bug and be buzzing around in no time!
How will Shelf Reliance as a company help support my business?
- Excellent website
- Kind Customer Service Reps to help answer questions and resolve issues.
- Free Resources for Training online through Shelf reliance
- Weekly conference calls for information and training.
- Inexpensive Starting kit, and ongoing discounts on all things you will need!
- You will earn 10% in commision
- 10% in free food
- 50% OFF (more product that I can even afford to buy each month!!) product with every sale and every party you earn more!!
- Plus reoccurring commision on Q's roughly 20% on the first month and 5% every month after that for the lifetime of the Q!
I liken it to the ultimate Costco Membership-
But with Shelf Relaince you earn 10% back (and not 1%)
AND you can earn $$ on other peoples purchuses!
PLUS your membership fee is 1X and not yearly!
But with Shelf Relaince you earn 10% back (and not 1%)
AND you can earn $$ on other peoples purchuses!
PLUS your membership fee is 1X and not yearly!
Consultants can start up for as little as $199
There are many different options that are an even greater savings!
There are many different options that are an even greater savings!
If you are thinking about something to earn extra money
and build your food storage, give me a call 425.652.3008
I love to talk about Shelf Reliance.
If it's a good fit for you, you won't be sorry you joined my team!
Contact me if you are interested, even for sharing with family and friends it's a great way to earn free food strorage and play money...if your looking for another income you could be making $$$ right away!
I'm a mom who wanted to help my family be prepared...I thought "well I might as well share it with my friends and family"...AND it has been a joy sharing something that benefits so many people! I have loved the extra income that allows me a financial freedom to have money to save or play with as I'd like! You defeinately don't have to be a sales person to THRIVE in this just have to love saving money, time and of to eat :)