Using THRIVE in the Kitchen...

Alot of people ask me... do you really use this stuff everyday?

Well the answer to their question is YES! I made the decision about 2.5 years ago that we wouldn't eat cereal for breakfast. I still buy it if I find one of those...Out-of-this-world-sales..but I rarely do. So I tie my apron strings and bring a warm breakfast to the table nearly every morning. It wasn't always this easy to do...
 I love thrive in the Morning. We typically eat one of the following:
Breakfast Burritos
Cream of Wheat
French toast

All of these have had a budget loving helping hand from THRIVE!
Eggs: When I scramble eggs now I use an egg or 2 from the Fridge and 4-8 eggs from thrive.
Eggs are easy 1 tablespoon equals 1 egg and you add 2 tablespoons of water.
From Scrambled eggs for the babies to breakfast burritos for my Honey ;) Thrive make it super thrifty to make a wholesome meal. Thrive eggs have less fat/cholesterol than fresh eggs also which is very nice.
I add to these eggs any or all of the following, also from THRIVE: onions, Green and red bell peppers, Freeze dried Sausage.
These are great for eggs/omelets/and burritos...but what i really love is FRENCH TOAST!!
THRIVE eggs are the perfect companion on a sleepy Saturday morning when you want to go out but know you don't want to spend all the money on Breakfast! I take a cup to a cup and a half of Thrive eggs the same amount of water and then the same amount of milk about 2 table spoons vanilla(thank you Rachel Ray) and a bit of cinnamon. It's so cheep and fast that you can't really even compare it to anything else! I used to use 7-10 eggs to make french toast and now I can save those for fried eggs and use my thrive eggs for the perfect french toast in seconds with no mess and no hassle!!

We usually top our french toast with strawberry dust and powdered sugar or strawberry syrup  which is always available thanks to thrive!!

Thrive Makes Breakfast YUMMY!
(...and affordable and healthy and fast )

Our germade aka. Cream of Wheat is the best of the best!!
Beating out Winco's best price for Cream of Wheat and raising them 1 with the fact that it's in a can...not a cardboard box...less mess and less spills and less chance of that box getting wet.
That's also a plus about the oats!!

THRIVE's 6 grain pancake mix is awesome!! 
Every Friday is Pancake friday at our house because of Late start for school. Long gone are the days of my healthy mixes expiring I now can order this by the case and save a load and I know that I'll use it in 8-10 years ...that was a joke, but It will last that long compaired to 18months to 2 years at the store...thats pretty nice!